That's removed,
Just install the plugin and configure Social Login buttons in super socializer settings page. It'll be automatically integrated with wpDiscuz comment form. This integration only support the social login buttons, it doesn't have any relation to the plugin social commenting feature. wpDscuz is a native WordPress comment system, it's not a social comments like Facebook or Google.
thanks for your reply,
but i already configure Social Login buttons in super socializer settings page.It already show social login icon at my wordpress register form, buy what i want is show the social icon in my comment form,and guest cant login at the comment page,how to do it?
Please make sure the social login buttons are enabled for comments in Social Login plugin settings. What Social Login plugin you use?
I'm sure the social login buttons are enabled for comments in Social Login plugin settings.
I use socializer social plugin.
Please let me know what Social Login plugin you use? wpDiscuz is only compatible with these three plugins:
I'm sorry but we don't support other plugins. In case you use other plugins, you should contact to your plugin developer and ask them use wpDiscuz hooks to load their buttons.
Thanks for your reply,
I use super socializer and it did well when I deactivated your plugin.
Is there any setting to do?
There is no any settings in wpDiscuz. All settings are in Social Login plugin. Please make sure you don't use Social Commenting option. It only works when wpDiscuz is loaded without other comment options (FB, Google, etc..). Also make sure this option is enabled:
We use the same plugin on wpDiscuz Demo page, it works fine without any issue.
Have you disabled the Social Commenting? This should be disabled. Only wpDiscuz comment system should be there.Please leave your website URL to allow us check it.
If this is also set correct, then I have no other clue for you. This is all what could I help you.
You can change the social login plugin to WordPress Social Login if these buttons on comment form are essential for you.
I am posting this message since I have the same issue.
1) Do we still need to use an external plugin to enable social login?
2) I checked your demo page ( ) to see whether the social login is working. But when I logged in via Facebook it took me to your home page >> which means social login is not properly working!
3) In this era where social platforms are a huge part of people's lives why y'all can't enable social login to make commenting simplified (to attract more comments) just like Disqus does it (though I am not a fan of Disqus due to other reasons)?
4) What I feel is if someone is already logged in to facebook they should have the ease of leaving a comment without login in while giving the option of leaving a comment by other means if they choose to do so.
Awaiting your reply!
Hi DishanM,
We are preparing wpDiscuz new version. This version includes:
1. Social login functionality
2. Design changes
3. GDPR compatible (delete users’ comments related information)
4. Minor bug fixes etc.
Please wait for the next update, it comes soon.
Thank you and I hope the update will be thoroughly tested, especially with regard to social login.
I also hope y'all have noticed my 4th point mentioned earlier which could attract more comments from people who hate filling forms 😉
Anxiously looking forward to it!
When can we expect roughly the wpDiscuz new version with Social login?
Hi DishanM,
wpDiscuz Social Login and Sharing is already available.
More info here: