Good day.
For mailing, I use the Amazon SES service and the WP Offload SES plugin for it. The "notification address" (WordPress Notification Email) is the address of As the "Reply To" address, is also used.
All letters to users (about registration, password change, payment for access) come from But all new comment notifications (with WP Discuz plugin) come from Such emails are sent by some mail services in the "Sibscribes" (Newsletters) folder (this is almost like spam).
Amazon SES does not recommend using the address and may block for their use.
How to make comment notifications (with WP Discuz plugin) go from
Some more info. When I put the WPDiscuz plugin, I still had (may be) the address of the as the sender. Perhaps the WPDiscuz plugin remembered it.
After that, the address is always used for sending.
Hi @dm1,
I'm going to ask the developers how we can help you in this case. I'll update the topic within 4-5 hours.
This code should help you to solve the issue. Add the code in your current active theme's functions.php file:
add_filter('wp_mail_from', function ($email){
return '';
Don't forget to change the red marked code (set the right email) before using.