Several users have noted that highlight new comments does not work on Safari, and I have noticed that it does not work on mobile (Safari) either. It seems to work on desktop Chrome (Windows) and I have tested by manually setting the value of the wpdiscuz_last_visit cookie to verify it is highlighting OK there. However no highlight shows up on Safari.
Unfortunately I have no way to test on Safari desktop. Here's an example URL:
Did some more investigating here.
Edge: The cookie wpdiscuz_last_visit is never set
Firefox: The cookier wpdiscuz_last_visit is set. However editing the timestamp back a few hours and reloading the page has no effect. The class for new comments is never set and they are never highlighted.
And some more investigation. The real issue is that it only works for logged in users. Please change it so it works for all users including guests. I don't know why this would be restricted to logged in users. Just base it on the last visit time cookie and highlight comments newer than that for all users please.
Modifying class.WpdiscuzWalker.php and changing line 90 to:
if ($lastVisitForPost && $commentTime > $lastVisitForPost) {
Thank you for letting us know we'll check it and back to you asap.
Tested 5.1.0 which seems to have some improvements in this regard. I didn't make any changes to the code, just tested the update as is.
It seems to be somewhat better. One person using Chrome on Windows 10 says it is now working sporadically where it wasn't before. Users on Safari on mac report it doesn't work. Also notice the cookie is not set in Edge or Firefox on windows.