Hi there,
I'm just wondering if it is possible to hide comments from users who aren't logged in? I'm running a membership site.
I've been so impressed with the wpDiscuz plugin! Thank you!
Hi Marisha,
this option is located in Dashboard > Comments > Form admin page. Just edit the Default Comment form and configure it.
I'm sorry but we're not familiar with that plugin.
To disable comments for Guests just choose the "No" for "Allow guests to comment" option.
I figured out how to restrict logged out users from commenting, but I don't want logged-out users to be able to view any existing comments. I will try to research elsewhere.
I did some research, and it sounds like it's an issue with the WordPress hooks. According to your documentation, the plugin should work with the typical WordPress hooks. However, that might no longer be the case? ( https://wordpress.org/support/topic/hooks-for-wpdiscuz/)
My membership plugin relies on the comments_template filter hook to hide comments.
Will this bug be fixed? Or is there something I can do in the meantime?
Hi Marisha
I don't know what hook and how it uses your Membership plugin. wpDiscuz is being loaded through <?php comments_template() ?> function and it hasn't any bug here. If some plugin can't do something with other plugin, it means these plugins are incompatible with each other.
I'm sorry but I don't know the functions and core logic of this plugin, I can't say where exactly it lost. It would be better to ask the same question to Membership plugin support.
I too love this plugin, it's really perfect. I don't know if you found a solution to your problem but I use DAP (digital access pass) and I was able to set it such that only users of certain products could see the comment form (ie silver members couldn't but gold and platinum could). You may be able to find some PHP to solve your problem. I did find this information, not sure if it will work, but you might try it:
Hi Daisy Peel,
Thank you for sharing this information.
Hi there,
I'm just wondering if it is possible to hide comments from users who aren't logged in? I'm running a membership site.
I've been so impressed with the wpDiscuz plugin! Thank you!
commentlist {
.logged-in .commentlist {
try using this code. I have searched it out. it works.