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05/02/2019 7:17 pm
In comments.php file, I have this snippet to limit the number of comments a user can submit per day.
global $wpdb,$current_user;
$limit = 1; //this is limit per day per user
$comment_count = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare("
SELECT count(*)
FROM wp_comments
WHERE comment_author = '%s'
AND comment_date >= DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 1 DAY);"
,$current_user->user_login) );
if($comment_count < $limit) {
echo 'You submited '.$comment_count.' comment(s) from '.$limit.' available ';
comment_form( hestia_comments_template() );
else {
echo 'You have reached your comments daily limit : '.$limit;
This code work perfectly with WP core comment system, but when switch to wpdiscuz, it doesn't work at all.
Any suggestion or change to let wpdiscuz supports this code.
This topic was modified 6 years ago 2 times by gharsalli
07/02/2019 5:34 pm
Hi @gharsalli,
I apologize for the delay.
Yes, the code will not live with wpDiscuz. The code in this support topic should help you.