Have latest wp. Can't build a form or edit the existing one. The form builder is not responsive, won't click, won't even delete. "add row" button shows up but won't click. Help appreciated.
Hi @bhaskarr,
You have a JS error on that pages. Please press F12 and check the error. In most cases, this is a plugin conflict.
@astghik any way to fix it?
@astghik no mentions of any errors so far. the fields just don't click
Could you please send the admin login details to info[at]gvectors.com email address to allow us to check the issue?
@astghik ok, check it out
@astghik oops! check it again
We see the following JS error on your website (screenshot below). Once you solve it the form builder will work fine.
Below is the JS file that caused the issue:
The files are being loaded from the CDN and somehow the CDN blocked it.
Hi @bhaskarr,
the path: wp-content/plugins/wpdiscuz/assets/third-party/wpdcookiejs/customcookie.jsdoesn't exist.
Folder 'wpdcookiejs' is missing.
This doesn't have a relation with your original issue.
However please follow the steps to solve it:
1. Open the /wp-content/plugins/wpdiscuz/class.WpdiscuzCore.php file
2. Find the following line (1068 line):
wp_register_script('wpdiscuz-jquery-cookie', plugins_url(WPDISCUZ_DIR_NAME . '/assets/third-party/wpdcookiejs/customcookie.js'), array('jquery'), $this->version, true);
3. Replace with the following one:
wp_register_script('wpdiscuz-jquery-cookie', plugins_url(WPDISCUZ_DIR_NAME . '/assets/third-party/wpdccjs/wpdcc.js'), array('jquery'), $this->version, true);
Don't forget to delete all caches before checking.
Regarding your original issue, as Astghik already mention it comes from this file, so you should fix it :
Probably you should contact your hosting support and asked them this question.