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Happy new year to the GVectors team!

I have a page where I would like to use comments as a mean of "individual tutoring" between different teachers and different students, each student being tutored by one and only one tutor.

When a student goes to this page, I would like him to see only the comments where, in root comment or nested comments, there is at least one comment of which he is the author.

In the very same way, when a teacher goes to this page, I would like him to see only the comments where, in root comment or nested comments, there is at least one comment of which he is the author.

How can I achieve this, with or without your "search" plugin, as I don't want the user to search, I want the search to be performed automatically, before the comments are displayed.


Famed Member Admin
Joined: 10 years ago
Posts: 4217

Hi theplacetobe,

I'm sorry but wpDiscuz doesn't have such feature and options. This requires a large customization of wpDiscuz core code, you'll need some developer to do this job. I'm sorry but this is out of our services and support.

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