When people leave a comment on my page the comment appears to be processing for an extended amount of time. The comments are actually posting just fine but I keep receiving messages from people who think their comments aren't submitting because it never goes beyond the loading screen.
Do you use Lazy Load pagination mode?
Please leave your webiste URL to allow us test it. Make sure Guests are allowed to comment.
No, Lazy Load is not activated. Â www.herohabit.com to see what I'm talking about. So far, the only complaints I have received have been using the Chrome browser but I don't know if that is the same for other browsers.
For some reason the AJAX request doesn't work on your website, it returns 500 Internal Error. Please send admin login details to support[at]gvectors.com email address, we'll try to find some solution.
We found the issue. You have a shop plugin (Jigoshop eCommerce) which includes a new field in comment forms for rating. And this field is not compatible with wpDiscuz comment form.
Options to solve the issue:
1. Ask this plugin support theme to add an option to remove this rating field.
2. Deactivate this plugin
3. Change the conflict maker function. Open jigoshop-ecommerce/src/Jigoshop/Service/ProductService.php file, find this function:
 public function saveReview($id, $approvew) {
       if (!isset($_POST['rating'])) {
           throw new Exception('');
      update_comment_meta($id, 'rating', (int) $_POST['rating']);
replace to this:
public function saveReview($id, $approvew) {
   if ($id) {
      $comment = get_comment($id);
      if (isset($comment->comment_post_ID)) {
         $post = get_post($comment->comment_post_ID);
         $jigoshopPostsSupportingComments = array('product', 'shop_email', 'shop_coupon');
         if ($post && isset($post->post_type) && in_array($post->post_type, $jigoshopPostsSupportingComments)) {
            if (!isset($_POST['rating'])) {
               throw new Exception('');
            update_comment_meta($id, 'rating', (int) $_POST['rating']);
Thank you so much for looking into that. I'll just delete the plugin since it has been nothing but problems and their support system isn't nearly as good as yours! I wish you guys would create an ecommerce plugin that was synced up with the forums and comments (hint hint) because I love your stuff!
Using loading spinner could also be the reason as it is perceived to be slower than actual. It looks like the only solution to your content loading problem is 'loading spinner' but it exactly opposite to it.Â