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[Solved] Comment form not viewable by guests (non logged-in)

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 P H
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Here is the problem:

1. I cloned the default comment form and created a "guest comment form".

2. I unticked all the items in Disable commenting for roles, changed Allow guests to comment to Yes, and entered a post ID in Display comment form for post IDs.

3. The comment form is only viewable to logged-in users on that post.

What have I missed?

Have a good day!


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2. I unticked all the items in Disable commenting for roles, changed Allow guests to comment to Yes, and entered a post ID in Display comment form for post IDs.

Please provide a screenshot to allow us to check it.

 P H
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Here are some screenshots:


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Please check the points mentioned in this support topic, for that post and leave some feedback for each one:


 P H
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The WpDiscuz comment form is there and can be seen and used by logged-in users, but it is not viewable by logged-out users.

I have already sent you a user account. You can use it to try out this page:

A logged-in user can see the comments form and comment. A logged out user doesn't see the comment form at all.

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There is a following code in the "Custom CSS Code" textarea, that cause the issue.

.comments-area {

It located in the Dashboard > Comments > Setting > Styling admin page.

You just need to remove the code and check again.

 P H
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Thank you very much for following this up.

I'm afraid I need that CSS code as I don't want my members' comments to be visible to non-members, except for certain pages for which I'll be using the guest comment form.

Is there a CSS difference between the default comment form and the guest comment form I could use to achieve what I want, or any other way of achieving this?

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except for certain pages for which I'll be using the guest comment form.

For farther support could you please leave certain page IDs.

 P H
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The page ID is 20301, but I'll be using the "guest comment form" on several pages, so ideally I need a CSS that allows me to hide the "default comment form" from non-logged-in users but not the "guest comment form" site wide. 

At the moment I am using the following CSS to hide the default comment from from non-logged-in users:

.comments-area {

.logged-in .comments-area {

Illustrious Member Admin
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Please put the code in the active theme functions.php file

add_filter('wpdiscuz_parent_comments_clauses', function ($s) {
global $post;
if (!is_user_logged_in() && !empty($post->ID) && in_array($post->ID, array(20301,))) {
$s = " AND user_id = 0" . $s;
return $s;
add_action('pre_get_comments', function ($q) {
if (!is_user_logged_in() && (wp_doing_ajax() || in_array('wpdiscuz_sticky', $q->query_vars['type__in'])) && !empty($q->query_vars['post_id']) && in_array($q->query_vars['post_id'], array(20301,))) {
$q->query_vars['user_id'] = 0;
return $q;

You can put the post ids in the array(20301,) after comma. 

The code will hide the logged-in user's comments from non-logged in users.

qwerty1 reacted
 P H
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Thank you for this solution.

However, this means that I'll have to modify the function.php file every time I use the guest comment form on a post or page, which is not very practical.

I have come up with another idea, though, and I would like to know if you approve of it.

I have added the following code only to the "custom css" of the default comment form, but not the guest comment form:

.comments-area {

.logged-in .comments-area {

As a result, the comment form is hidden from logged-out users except for the posts with the guest comment form.

I have tested this and it seems to be working.

Do you think it is a good solution?

Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 6191


Yes you can use the solution, but we'd suggest you use the following one, i.e just use the block value instead of the inline

.logged-in .comments-area {
  display: block

 P H
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Thanks! I'll do it.

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