Hello. It looks like WP Discus clashes with my WP theme and some buttons (close this thread, stick this thread) appear broken. Can you give me some code which will fix them please?
Hi @logaritym,
You're using some plugin that changes the HTML structure of wpDiscuz please see the screenshot below.
Also please enable the "Notify of new replies to this comment" option to allow us to debug a CSS conflict.
Hello! Thank you for your response.
I have enabled this feature, feel free to take a look:) I believe the theme itself is breaking the CSS.
Hi @logaritym,
please navigate to Dashboard > Comments > Settings > Styles admin page, add the following CSS code in "Custom CSS code" textarea, save it, delete all caches, do CTRL+F5 on frontend before checking.
.wc-field-submit strong {
display: none !important;
#wpcomm .wpd_label__checkbox:checked ~ .wpd_label__text .wpd_label__check .wpdicon-on{
display: inline-block;
#wpcomm .wpd_label__checkbox:checked ~ .wpd_label__text .wpd_label__check .wpdicon-off{
display: none;
.buddyboss-select-inner select{
opacity: 1;
Awesome, thanks!