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Avatar, text fields, and error messages

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Hi. Can you help with these two problems.  The avatar is on top of the text. The text in the name and email fields should be bigger or fit better.  The error messages do not line up with the fields. 

comment avatar & info fields
error message overlapping

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Also, can you help with the notification button. It doesn't fit well in the box.

comment notification button

Famed Member Admin
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Please leave your website URL. wpDiscuz CSS is crashed. This is not the wpDiscuz stile. It conflicts with your theme or the cache is not reset properly and it loads old wpDiscuz css file. Make sure you've deleted all caches and press Ctrl+F5.

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The website is

Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 6282

Hi PJ,

 The avatar is on top of the text

This is a conflict with your theme. You need to remove !important statement from your active theme style.css file.

with important
without iportant

The error messages do not line up with the fields. 

Use the following CSS code, put it in Dashboard > Comments > Settings > Styling > Custom CSS Code textarea.

#wpcomm div.wpd-field-invalid span{
top: calc(76% + 8px);

Don't forget to delete all caches and do Ctrl+F5 on front-end before checking.

Also, can you help with the notification button. It doesn't fit well in the box.
The following CSS code should solve this issue.
#wpcomm .wpd_label__check i.wpdicon{
text-indent: 0 !important;

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Hi Tom,

Thanks. I was able to fix the last two issues; however, I am having issues fixing the avatar problem.

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Hi Astghik

I am having issues with this part; I can't figure out the code to fix it. 

Hi PJ,

 The avatar is on top of the text

This is a conflict with your theme. You need to remove !important statement from your active theme style.css file.

with important
without iportant


Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 6282

Hi PJ,

Please navigate to Dashboard > Appearance > Editor admin page. 

Insert the following phrase "input[type=date], input[type=email], input[type=password], input[type=search], input[type=tel], input[type=text], input[type=url], select, textarea" in searche input (press CTRL +F to show up search input). Then remove the !important from the following part of the code.

padding12px 12px 10px!important

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