Hello! First of all, I want to thank the developer for one of the best comment plugin for wordpress. I have this question. Is it possible to leave an authorization link https://prnt.sc/ly1wl0 ? But at the same time leave the opportunity for guests to comment without authorization https://prnt.sc/ly1wt6. Do not show this link if only the user is already authorized.
Thanks again for your hard work and sorry for my English.
I have one standard form by default. I don't have any cache plugins right now while the site is under development. I cleaned the cache in the wpdiscuz. Probably, I did not quite describe the essence of the question.
Now I have included the ability to comment on guest entries. But with this setting, the link with authorization is removed. That is how I would like to leave it, as an opportunity to register for interested users. https://prnt.sc/ly958e
Hi @qbiq,
Please navigate to Dashboard > Comments > Settings > Comment Form admin page, make sure the " Hide "Please login to comment" text" is disabled.
More info here:
Oh, how could I have overlooked this function)). Cool! Thanks again for such a wonderful plugin!