This bug has me stumped. Grateful for any ideas as to why this could be hapenning!
Basically, the text inside the wc-comment-author and wc-comment-date divs are being put into <a> tags, while wc-comment-text is using <a> instead of <p>
This is only true for non logged-in users. If you're logged in, these same texts are no longer in <a> tags, and everything displays as expected. Any idea what could be causing this very strange bug???
Thanks in advance,
Hi Robbie_St,
Please leave your website URL to allow us to check it.
Hello, it's Thanks!
Dear @robbie_st,
You wrote incorrect closed tag (<a/>) when you created the agreement checkbox.
Please navigate to Dashboard > Comments > Forms, edit the Default form, then edit the agreement checkbox and change the <a/> tag to </a>.
Ha! OK, that makes sense. Sorry for not resolving this myself! You might have noticed that the social logins aren't working at the moment - i'm getting 500 errors. I've put the redirect links exactly in as the plugin suggests, so I'm supposing this could be a problem with an auto-minify or caching solution I have running?
Hi @robbie_st,
You might have noticed that the social logins aren't working at the moment - i'm getting 500 errors. I've put the redirect links exactly in as the plugin suggests, so I'm supposing this could be a problem with an auto-minify or caching solution I have running?
We couldn't find such an issue on our test websites.
Please install and activate the Duplicator — WordPress Migration Plugin, backup your WordPress site and send it to info[at] email address to allow us to check it.