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alignment problem of new fields added

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Topic starter the submit form be moved to the bottom of the discussion .in my cases 90 percentage of the visitors will be there to read the comments and reply . only 10 percent will be open up to starting a new thread .
2. another way is to make the part a 2 coloumn and make the form to the right part .(in my site iam using a seperate tab for review which looks like a whole page ).is this possible .?
3.1 or 2 is a must for me .is there any way to change it in settings or by simple customization ?
4.i have added some more fields in the form . one of them is title for the review . i want the results of those fields to be come above the comment .the title of the review coming after review is not looking good .is it possible?
i exactly want this way . the name /username should come below the profile picture/avatar and below that the user role. and in the comment section the title should come where noe username is there (dont want the term title to be specified). and the other fields should come below as of how it comes now and below that only the comment section should come.
5. i have added a field ‘mode of transportation’ with multi select options . but the field name is now coming after the options . its looking weird .this is the url where i have implemented it .please do check.
6.i want admin to approve every comment thread that is adding . is it possible ?mine is a listing site .where listing owner will be there i dont want him to have that option .only admin should do it possible?

Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
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Hi nikhilgkurup,

1. 2. I'm sorry, but it is not possible yet. We've already added this in our to-do list, but we can't add it in our top tasks. If we decide to work around this feature it'll be for free and at least in 6-7 months.

3. There is no an easy way to do this. You should find some developer for this customization.

4. It is possible, but you need to do a lot of code customization. 

5.. You need to use the following CSS code, put it in Dashboard > Comments > Settings > Styling admin page put it in "Custom CSS Code".

#wpcomm .wpd-form-col-full .wpd-item-wrap {
display: inline-block;
float: inherit;

6. Please note comment approving has no relation to wpDiscuz this should be configured by Wordpress side.  Please read this doc:

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thanks for the reply . 

about the 4th question . is it possible to atleast make the username below the avatar and heading above the comment . i can see in this comment form the username is just below the avatar . is it not possible to apply there too ?

as the field is comment heading it is looking awkward below the comment . all the other fields its adjustable .

-- also is it possible to remove the website field from the form . when creating a new form name,email,website are coming by default .and not able to remove it .

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or is it possible to edit website field as title field and display the content somewhere above the comment .is that workaround possible?

also is to possible for users to view your to-do list so that they know whats in the future road map?

Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 6261

Hi  nikhilgkurup,

about the 4th question . is it possible to atleast make the username below the avatar and heading above the comment . i can see in this comment form the username is just below the avatar . is it not possible to apply there too ?

wpDiscuz allows customizing the comment list design. Please follow this instruction to start to customize. You'll be able to do any changes in the copied files.

also is it possible to remove the website field from the form . when creating a new form name,email,website are coming by default .and not able to remove it .

You can't remove website filed, however, you can disable it on the frontend.

More info here:

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