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Hi, not sure if this question has been asked before - could not find anything in here...

I just installed wpForo on a test site. What I would like to do is the following:

1) Have open forums for all members registered on that site. This apparently is the standard.

2) Have one or more forums that are accessible by invitation only (e.g. to a select group of 20 members of the site). Is this possible? How do I set this up? I just ordered and installed the add-on Private Messages as I thought this would do this, but apparently I was mistaken on this. I cannot see how I would set up a private forum with this.

Best, Christoph

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Hi @christophmmeier ,

Please take a look to this documentation:

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Hi Razmik

Thanks for this pointer! Have done some reading. Apparently what I need to do is:

create new user groups, e.g.
  • program community 
  • innovation circle 2018
set Forum Permissions so that e.g. only "program community" has standard access 
set membership in user group (Members - edit profile - account - use group)

That appears to work for me. Please let me know if I seem to be going in a wrong direction.

Best, Christoph


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Hi Razmik, I do have an additional issue: 

I managed to hide the "members" tab in the Forums Navigation bar so that not anybody can see who is a member of a forum.

Also, visitors to our site that are NOT registered users cannot see any recent forum posts (even they do see the tab).


It appears that any registered user on the site - even if not a member of the usergroup defined for private forums - can see the tab "recent posts" and the content / the posts listed there.

How can I prevent this. I would like private forums to be really private.

Best, Christoph

wpForo recent posts visible

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Hi @christophmmeier,

That's hard to help you if you've already done some wrong configuration. I'll try to help you using a brand new forum. Please create a new forum called "Program Community 2".

1. Create a new Usergroup called "PC Members 2"

2. Edit the "Program Community 2" forum and set these permissions:

  • Admin - Full Access
  • Moderator - Moderator
  • Customer - No Access
  • Registered - No Access
  • Guests - No access
  • Others... - No access
  • PC Members 2 - Standard Access


3. Save it, delete all caches, navigate to Dashboard > Forums > dashboard and click on the [Delete all caches] button.

4. Change some regular user (Subscriber/Registered) usergroup to PC Members 2 , login with that user and create a new topic in  Program Community 2 forum. Then logout and check the Recent Posts page as guest and as other regular user (Subscriber/Registered), don't use Admin/Moderator users for checking, they are always able to see topics of private forums.


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Hi Tom

Thanks for your guidance!

I got it to work all right for me now.

Cool, powerful forum-plugin!

Thank you!

Best, Christoph

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