Can you verify your current PHP compatibility? I am using version 7.1
Could You please leave some URL to an example.
Here is a url.
My mailchimp form is included in post bottom and should show between previous/last post and the comment area.
Did you put it as shortcode? What plugin you use for displaying mailchimp subscription form?
Thank you. I am using three different widgets. I have tested with all combinations of these. Nothing shows, where as without WPdusciz anything shows there.
Here are three scrennshots of the widgets dropdown so you can see them. I am using a Custom HTML Widget, Image Widget, and my MailChimp Plugin Widget. I am also including a screenshot of the installed plugin info, Mailchimp for Wordpress version 4.1.14 by ibericode. PHP version is 7 and WP version 4.9.2 and Genesis 2.5.3