As shown in the graphic, the emojis of the emoticons add on are not shown in the drop down menue. However when I click on them, they are correctly insertet in the comments text. How can I fix this?
Hi @thd.
Please update to wpDiscuz Emoticons v7.0.1. The issue should be fixed.
@taron That solved the problem. Thank you.
How do I know if a new plugin is available? Do I have to check that manually?
Did you mean that the new add-on has been published? Or does the existing addon/plugin have a new update?
Basically WordPress checks for new updates every 8-12 hours. But you can do it manually from Dashboard > Updates page, but only do it when you have some problem with the plugin and need to check for updates.
Ah ok. If the updates are shown up through the normal wordpress update procedure, that will be enough. I wondered wether this would happend or not. Thank you for the info and for your help.