and also change the right corner ajax loader icon to any circular icon
Hi theprimeupdates,
Thank you for these suggestions. We're currently working on new look and feel of wpDiscuz. The whole UI/UX will be changed on next month, it'll look very attractive and modern. Our designers are doing their best to make wpDiscuz as beautiful as possible.
Good LucK! :B :B :B
I have one more suggestion : press ENTER to comment ( No need to click on "POST" ). It will good for PC users.
Hi again Tom,
After hours of studying the plugin, which I love, I've written a list of things I miss to know your views on it. Maybe it might help you too to add something to your "to-do-list"... As it is very long to post, I tried to attach an MS Word file but it didn't work, so I finally attached A PFD file.
Many thanks and best regards.
Hi Javier,
Thank you very much for your interest and detailed description to help as improve wpDiscuz. The most of those are already in our to-do list, some small part of those are included in addon development. We'll go through all points and update this topic once some of these points are added or started to develop.