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Images and Videos pasted as links/URLs are disapearing

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All the images are YouTube (added as URLs) are disappearing after a few minutes. They show up fine when published but after a while they are gone (comments are still there but empty).

For example here:

(scroll the comments and look for "wagner brenner")

I even have the uploader and captcga add-ons (kind of expensive I would say) and I wasn't expecting to have this kind of issues.


Please answer asap.

Suggestion: this kind of support as a forum is VERY confusing. Please reconsider and make it a SIMPLE form to get in contact.


Thank you




Famed Member Admin
Joined: 10 years ago
Posts: 4219

Hi wbrenner,

thank you for using wpDiscuz, we've just checked and didn't find any issue, please watch this video:

Suggestion: this kind of support as a forum is VERY confusing. Please reconsider and make it a SIMPLE form to get in contact.

The main idea why we use forum is making public all problem troubleshooting and discussions. Lot's of people can find solutions here. Private support is not accessible for all who have the same problem. This saves users' and our support team time.

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