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bbpress replies to comments--- yes, comments.

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Hi, I guess what I want to do is quite unpopular. I find people wanting to migreate from comments to forums-- not the other way around. However, I have an online photography school and we started working with bbpress for our lessons's "comments" but it is proving to take forever to load, its cumbersome to use, replies wont nest and numerous other unfriendly things. So, question is, is it possible to migrate our still quite small bbpress forums (just 2) and few replies in each to wpDiscuz. I realize you also have a forum plugin but our MLS works best with comments rather than forums... it's already built in and we just wanted to expand wordpress comments with the many benefits of wpDiscuz. Anyways, just trying to keep our questions and replies and just stick to comments from now own. Thanks!


Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 6261

Hi Cris,

Thank you for your interest in wpDiscuz.

I'm really sorry, but there is no any tool for such migration. 

At the moment I think the best way is asking to ProfProjects GP or gConverter LLC to do this job.

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