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[Solved] wpforo polls addon questions

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I am looking at getting the wpForo polls addon to go with the wpForo forum plugin and just have a couple of questions

1) can the admin create the polls in the admin backend?

2) Can the polls have a comment form so people can discuss the polls in the forum, I think it does this as think I read when creating the poll, it also creates a forum topic so people can discuss the poll, is that correct?

3) I am currently building the site on a test domain first, when it goes live can the plugin work on the new live domain instead of the test one, could it be transferred over or would I need to the licence for 3 sites or could I just get the licence for 1 site and just transfer the licence from the test domain to the live domain?

Thank you in advance


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Hi @ianhaney,

Posted by: @ianhaney

1) can the admin create the polls in the admin backend?

2) Can the polls have a comment form so people can discuss the polls in the forum, I think it does this as think I read when creating the poll, it also creates a forum topic so people can discuss the poll, is that correct?

For creating a Poll, you need to create a Topic. So you do the same as creating a Topic and before publishing the topic you press Create poll in the topic field, setup it and Publish the Topic with the Poll.

There isn't any option for creating the poll from the Dashboard.


Posted by: @ianhaney

3) I am currently building the site on a test domain first, when it goes live can the plugin work on the new live domain instead of the test one, could it be transferred over or would I need to the licence for 3 sites or could I just get the licence for 1 site and just transfer the licence from the test domain to the live domain?

Check this Topic, there you will find the needed answers:



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@kylew Hi

Thank you for the reply and answering the questions, appreciate it.

Just to confirm so when creating the topic with the poll, it sounds like comments/discussions can take place on the topic/poll but the polls will only be created by the admin, so can the admin not create a topic on the admin dashboard side and create the poll to go with it?

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Polls can be created only with Topics, there is no other place to create them.

If you want to create a poll, you have to Press on Add Topic button and then on Create Poll button. There i no other options, Only that one.

About who can create polls. That is related to the Forum Accesses, after installing wpForo Polls addon, in the Forum Access option you will have these 3 options:

  • Can create poll
  • Can vote poll
  • Can view poll result

And by the Forum Accesses, you can choose which usergroup Users in which Forums can work with Polls.

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@kylew Thank you think I got it so I could make it so that only admin usergroup can create the polls as don't want the standard members to create the polls but the standard members can vote on the polls and view the poll results.

Would that be correct doing it that way?

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It's all how you want to do that, you can start with admins and then you will know should you allow other users as well or not.

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@kylew Thank you for all your help and time, really appreciate it. I'll be buying the add on shortly

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