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Recent bug: Cross-posting blog posts to the forum shows members as the role 'Guest'

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Up until a recent update (applied around November 4th to our site) this was working fine.

Previously when a user would post a blog post, the forum post would correctly be created with their correct role.

Now all forum posts created from blog posts show the author's role as 'Guest', and the user name no longer links to their profile.


Can you help fix this?



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We don't find such an issue on our test websites. Could you please send the admin login details to info[at] email address? I'll ask the developers to check the issue for you.

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Thank you, I have sent the details to the email address you mentioned.

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Illustrious Member
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The developers have created a test post and did not encounter the issue—everything appears to be working fine on your website. Could you please provide detailed steps on how we can reproduce the issue?

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I have submitted this to the email address with details on how to access the accounts so the team can repro.

Here are the detailed steps to reproduce
1. Create a new blog post with a basic level account and set the category to 'Advice and Encouragement' and save it (don't publish it, just save)
2. Publish the post with the editor account 
Notice that the author for the blog post is correct as from the basic level account, but the author for the cross-posted forum post is incorrect, it is listed as the Editor
Background on the scenario:
We run a membership site, where members can submit blog posts to be published, but they need to be reviewed and edited by editors before being published. So every post will be submitted by a regular member, and published by an editor. The expectation is that the original submitter is credited as the author (as is correctly done for blog posts), but for cross-posted forums the editor is incorrectly credited as the author.
This used to work correctly up until around November 2024.
If instead they schedule the update to the blog post (rather than post it immediately), then the topic ID and post ID will have userID set to 0 in the database, and the result is per this original thread.
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Illustrious Member
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The developers will check this soon.

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The developers have seen the issue. However they are unable to investigate it on your live website.

Please create a development/staging copy of your website on a subdomain and send the admin login details to info[at] so we can check the issue.

You can use Duplicator to create that site. 

Additionally, please ensure that the plugin editing feature is enabled to allow the developers to investigate the issue further.

For more information, refer to this article:

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