After updating the wpForo Advanced Attachments addon, they stopped being displayed, when loaded and those that were already loaded, what could it be?
It was solved by deactivating and reactivating the addon.
Hi @dmolina,
1. Please make sure you're using wpForo 1.7.0 version
2. Then please make sure you've updated wpForo Advanced Attachment to latest 2.0.0 version
3. Once you updated please go to Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard admin page and click on the [Delete All Caches] button.
4. If the problem is not fixed please leave direct URL to a post where we can see a broken image.
Ive done all of that, and deleted my cache from my main site too, and ctrl f5, still nothing
Wordpress images are working fine, and so is embedded content, just pics from the advanced attachment plug that are not working.
You can see on this page:
Scroll down a little into the posts, the top pot is cros blog posted so it has WP images.
Hope this help with the fix, try not to stress to much, I know this s**t aint easy lol
Scroll down a little into the posts, the top pot is cros blog posted so it has WP images this is the post directly, atleast one of them, you will see the pics displayed as numbers with a broken image sign
Hope this helps