I also added that CSS code here but still does not work.
You can see here at this video link: https://app.screencast.com/IGD8OUFuXU2sj?conversation=QMy7CDROo8etN4Cn5HbdSq
That stops all links in the widget from working.
They cant click on the username or icon - PERFECT
But, they cant click on the comment to be taken directly to that post and comment to chat. can you fix that please 🙂
Yes, that is how it works for me.
I would like to the post/page title, and the text comment area to still link to the page where that comment is posted.
See this video: https://app.screencast.com/GFbzOyymPVYA2?conversation=QrRfonQAkZNnkHZUQ29mBI
We are SO CLOSE to getting what I need.
Can you stop the USERNAME from linking?