Hi, I posted this in the fre plugin forum by mistake, reposting it here : )
I just bought the Search addon and it works great overall. Can you point me to any info on options for customizing the shortcode version of the form, [commSearch]? I've placed it on a page, and it works, but I'm hoping to accomplish a couple of things, basically all boils down to are there action hooks / filters for this plugin specifically, or any way to modify the display templates:
- Add a more prominent More link, or ideally link the whole search result.
- Add a Reply button or link to each result, that would link directly to the reply section of that comment.
- Start with empty results till something is typed, the default seems to spit everything out and it's a little overwhelming!
There's more that I'd like to do, but I'll start there, maybe it's possible to add a template in the child theme for results, or use a WP filter in functions.php?