wpDiscuz Comment Search Versie: 1.1.9 on latest WordPress 4.9.5 with Avada Theme 5.5
In "Available search fields" I have seleced 'All', 'Content', 'Author' and 'Email'. Further I have set "Default search field" to 'All'.
When I press the 'search settings' button I notice that initially only 'Content', 'Author' and 'Email' is shown. I would have expected the 'All' selection as well.
When I search for a phrase I get an error:
Error thrown
Call to undefined method wpdFormAttr\Form::getFormCustomFields()
When I select in 'search settings' explicitly a field it works again. However funny enough when I check the 'search settings' after this it displays different content ('All', 'Author' and 'Email').
I have the feeling you have a bug in your code for populating the 'search settings'.