Message: Something ...
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[Solved] Message: Something is wrong with the addon license and files. If this addon has not been purchased and downloaded from the official website it's probably hacked and may lead to lots of security issues.

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If the addons were purchased and downloaded from the official addon store -, then you have nothing to worry about.


Below are provided the steps, if you see the "Something is wrong with the addon license and files. If this addon has not been purchased and downloaded from the official website it's probably hacked and may lead to lots of security issues." message. 


1. if you purchased the addon and installed it just now, please activate the addon using the license key you've got with the order:

3547 2795 activation

2. Make sure you use the latest version of wpDiscuz. Go to Dashboard > Plugins admin page and update wpDiscuz.

3. If you purchased and downloaded the addon from the official website, make sure you're using the latest version of the addon and the addons are activated. In this case, the message will disappear within 24 hours. You can also solve it by simply navigating to Dashboard > Updates admin page and clicking (twice) on the "Check Again" button. 

Click here twice

4. if your issue is not fixed yet, please open a new private topic in our forum. We'll check and help you as soon as possible.



Please don't buy and download wpDiscuz addons from other websites. The only and the official website for wpDiscuz addons is the The addons downloaded from other websites are mostly hacked and bring lots of security issues, this kind of addons will not be integrated with the main wpDiscuz plugin and will be considered as hacked addons.

Posted : 07/12/2020 3:47 pm
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