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Subscription emails not being sent after memberpress integration - except to admin

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Installed Memberpress Interation on 30Jan, prior to activation all emails were sending as expected to all types of users. Subscription emails to forums/topics/new posts were correct. 

After adding the memberpress integration only admin are receiving subscription emails. However, private message email notifications are still being sent as expected for all types of users. 

I am managing all access by membership type through the plugin, and my setup is as suggested in the documentation "If you want to manage forum access based on membership plans, we recommend setting [No Access] for all Usergroups except Admins and Moderators." Only admin and moderators have access, all other usergroups are set to no access. 

All memberships have 'standard access' or 'no access' set to specific forums and subforums. 

Is there an email notification setting I am overlooking that is shutting off emails for all users other than admin? 


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I even set the access "no access" level to 'can subscribe' hoping that would allow emails to come through for all the memberpress memberships, sadly no. 

If membership access takes precedence over usergroup restrictions then why would email subscriptions not be sent for all users who arent admin/mods even with 'no access' being set as the forum permission for every usergroup not admin/mods?

All membership-access users see the checkboxes to subscribe, can edit their subscriptions, appear to be subscribed for forum activity, but no emails send for any user not admin/mod. 

All email subscriptions were sending appropriately and as expected prior to installing the integration, and private message notifications continue to send as expected after the integration, so I know it's not a mail configuration problem. 

I feel like I'm just missing a setting somewhere, this is a critical problem since my membership is largely older and depend on email notifications to spur forum participation. 

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Hi @lauren-turner,

The MemberPress integration addon has no relation to the emails sent to subscribers. I think the problem comes from the default Forum Access configurations. You've sent no access to users for certain forums and they cannot receive subscription emails. 

For example if you've sent NO Access for X Usergroups for certain forum, users who have that usergroups will not be able to receive subscription emails.

We could check it deeper, if you provide the following accesses:

  • The admin login details
  • The user login details who doesn't receive subscription emails.


You can PM the login details.

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Hi Tom,

I'm a little bit confused by your response. Our understanding is that purpose of this plugin is to change the provider of wpforo permissions from wpforo usergroups to memberpress subscriptions. In the documentation, it is encouraged to set 'No Access' for all usergroups in order for memberpress subscriptions to fully control permissions. "If you want to manage forum access based on membership plans, we recommend setting [No Access] for all Usergroups except Admins and Moderators." If we do this, you're telling me that this disallows subscriptions from being received.

Our expectation is that users that have their permissions set by the memberpress subscriptions are able to receive their normal email subscriptions based on those permissions. Without that functionality, this plugin is not valuable to us as it restricts core wpforo functionality. Please let me know if that is possible to either configure or resolve ASAP.

Thank you

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Yes, correct. Users get a new Forum Access based on their membership on forum and topic pages. They should get the same forum accesses on subscription action as well. The "No Access" doesn't allow to send subscription emails by default, so it should be overwritten by the Forum Access users get corresponding to their membership plan. With this algorithm they should receive email notifications.

We have never get report about the email notification issue, so we assume this is a site specific issue and need to be deeply debugged. It would be very helpful if you provide with the accesses I asked in my previous post. You can clone your website and provide access tot he clone website of you want.

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@tomson login credentials sent, thanks

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Hi @lauren-turner,

Thank you for the access details. We've fixed this issue and added the patch to your wpForo and wpForo MemberPress Integration addon, you can check it.

Please note that your wpForo is customized, there are lots of custom code on the email sending functions. So the subscription emails are being send with lots of delay. it may take even hours to get the subscription emails. We have not updated your wpForo and it should not be updated if you need the customizations I mentioned.


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thanks so much, the subscription email delay is intentional. It appears that it might be working again now. Our dev team is asking specifically what the issue was and where they will find the code fix so we are prepared for future WP or wpForo updates. Thx again

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Hi @lauren-turner 

We've added new function in the integration addon to use topic and post subscribe sender hooks and fix user permissions on fly to avoid restrictions by No Access. All changes have been added in the 1.0.1 version of the wpForo MemberPress Integration addon, and it has been released yesterday.


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Hi @tomson

We now have users who are not current subscribers receiving email notifications. Can you please ensure notifications are tied to current subscription status?

Thanks for continuing to look into this, very much appreciated. 

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All is fixed and there is nothing to add more. Just make sure you've not updated your wpForo. The patch had been added to your current version. If one user get the notification then it works for all, there is no user specific issue in the plugin. If someone doesn't work email, then the solutions you use for email delaying is the reason or their email providers put the emails to spam box or block them. 

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Well, unfortunately your fix to the problem resulted in even more problems, so we’re reluctantly going to have to remove all of your patch code and revert any files you edited/updated. To do that, we please need to know specifically which files have been edited and any other changes that were made so we can return to the former state. Thank you

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That's just impossible, because the changes are only hooks. We've only added hooks nothing else. So this could not bring more problems.

Hooks are empty spaces where other plugins connect and do some actions. 

I'd provide more information if you explain what means "More problems".

Make sure you still use your old wpForo 2.2.2 version and you've not updated it. Because the 2.2.2 is customized by your developer. And I'm not sure what have you done with this version.


The main changes are done in the integration addon. The 1.0.1 version is released with that changes. If you want to use the previous version 1.0.0, you can download it from your PM.


Again, the changes we made in the integration addon cannot case any issues. You should explain your problem, I'm sure the new problems come from your side not from the changes.]

I attached the 1.0.0 version to your PM.

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