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Where does wpDiscuz get the name of a logged-in commenter

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I'm not sure if I've found a bug. Can someone please tell me where wpDiscuz gets the name of a logged-in commenter? The name of the SQL table and column is what I'm looking for.
Check out the attached screenshot to see what name I'm referring to.

For some reason, it looks like wpDiscuz takes the nicename for some users and the first name+last name for others, and the email for others.

I don't understand why this is happening so I would like to check the values in the database, but it doesn't look like wpDiscuz is taking it from where I think it is.



The Detainee s Tale as told to Ali Smith   Ali Smith   The Short Story Project
This topic was modified 6 years ago by shortstory

Illustrious Member Admin
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Hi @yoelshortz,

wpDiscuz gets it from the display_name field in the wp_users table.

display name

If this field is empty, it gets from the  comment_author  in the wp_comments

comment author

shortstory reacted
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