Hey guys, how're you?
I have the Ultimate Member plugin running in my site and I need a comment system, so, I was for WpDiscuz
My doubt is, how should I proceed to install the integration?
I really want this information and I saw the coding, but I don't know where to put it.
Can you guys help me?
Hi Tiago,
as it explained on Integration Tab of wpDicusz settings page you should put that code in your current active theme's functions.php file.
Hello. I have the same problem. I put the code in my current active theme's functions.php file, but comments from different users' profiles are appearing everywhere. I mean, when someone tries to comment in a user's profile page, that comment appears for all other users too. Could you give an advice how to fix it?
Hi idridze
I'm sorry but this issue doesn't have any relation to wpDiscuz and to this topic. wpDiscuz doesn't work on Profile page, it's UM part, it's only available on single posts and other post types.
Maybe I'm wrong with calling it a "profile page".
It's like this: I post a comment here am-am.pro/gv/alessia/ - but it appears also here am-am.pro/gv/alenarezinkina/
Yes, this is a profile page. wpDiscuz is not designed for profile pages, this page is one for all profiles, you should disable wpDiscuz for pages in Comments > Forms admin page. Just edit the Default Form and uncheck the Page.
UM Use one page for all profiles so all comments of this page will be shown on all profile pages, this issue comes from UM, WordPress comment system is based on PageID, which is the same. wpDiscuz has no chance to play around this, wpDiscuz is just an extension of WordPress comment system.
Or you can edit this page and disable comments. The profile page should not have comment system. You can ask this question to UM support and they'll explain it better.
Thank you!