Hi, I'm wondering (can't find a setting anywhere) if I can explicitly set an email address to use for the 'from' email for subscriptions. As it stands, my admin email is being used but I am the admin for the site, the emails should be coming from a different address like info@ etc.
Thanks for any help!
Did you ever resolve this? I have a similar issue.
Hi hzitomer,
Please make sure you use the latest wpDiscuz version (v 5.1.2), as all emails are sent from no-reply@your-site-domain.com.
Yes, I am using v5.1.2
The problem is that the "from" address is not the correct email domain:
The site is www.aauw.info (test system only on our internal network) and the emails are being sent from info@www.aauw.info - that's the wrong address!
The correct "from" address would be info@aauw.info
Our production site is set up with similar naming standard.
The default Wordpress "from" address works correctly because wp_mail (pluggable.php) gets rid of the www by default:
$sitename = strtolower( $_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’] );
if ( substr( $sitename, 0, 4 ) == ‘www.’ ) {
$sitename = substr( $sitename, 4 );
/* end of code lifted from wordpress core */
Does wpDiscuz plug (substitute its own version of) wp_mail?
I know I can force this with a filter on wp_mail_from, but why should I have to put in a filter to restore the default behavior?
thanks -
Hi hzitomer,
This issue will be fixed in the next version. Please wait for the next update. It'll come soon.