I can't seem to make it so people can't stop liking the same post. Can you give me any advice? I plan on purchasing all of your plug-ins if I can make it work.
Hi maneperson,
Could you please explain what are you doing and what do you want to get.
You can disable people liking in Forum Access settings (Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Forum Accesses : Standard Access )
I am just trying to make it work the normal way. Right now people can like the same post as many times as they want and the count goes up. They can also give it thumbs down as many times as they want. You can sit there and make a comment have -50 thumbs or likes if you want. I am also having an issue with double posting sometimes. I can't make this all work 100% even with a fresh clean install. Tell me which theme you know it works with 100% and I will start with that to rule out theme issues.
Please specify what plugin you are talking about? wpForo or wpDiscuz?
Wpdiscuz, thanks.