Currently when an email notification is sent to the users about a comment being posted on the blog. The receive an email from the email address i.e. registered under the "General settings".
Is it possible to send emails from the email id that is added in SMTP settings plugin. I am using WP Mail SMTP Plugin.
I get all the other WP email notifications from the email which is entered in the SMTP settings plugin but WP Discuz doesn't seem to be using that.
How can we solve this?
I'm sorry but not. We'll take this under consideration for future releases.
So currently there is no way around to solve it? Can we solve it by editing some code for now?
I'm sorry but I have no clue yet.
Let me know have you solved this issue?
Hi Alex576,
wpDiscuz uses WordPress native (core) email functions. You should use the following hooks for this purpose: