Want to initially only show the direct replies/comments to a post on page load.
Any reply to a reply will be set to hidden by default.
So the user only sees the post and all of the top tier comments, but then can hit the show/hide button for each tope tier comment to expand to see the reply/comments to that particular comment.
Doesn't seem to be a setting for this in the 4.0 version, so the question is what is the best way to customize the plug-in so it behaves in this manner. Haven't started sifting through the php files yet, but was hoping to be pointed in the right direction for where the show/hide status is set initially.
I think the only way is using simple CSS code to hide all replies. Put this CSS code in Dashboard > Comments > Settings > Styling > Custom CSS Textarea, then save, delete cache and refresh the front-end:
#wpcomm .wc-reply{display: none;}
Thank you. That's a simpler fix than I thought! There is an issue of the show/hide comments indicator being wrong initially (.fa-chevron-up is set).
Any solution to that?
I'm sorry but there is no solution for this.
I would think this would be a useful feature for a lot of people (keeps clutter down unless viewer wants to drill down, but still shows activity/discussion on post), so perhaps I can request a future option for it?
Until then, "there is no EASY END-USER solution for this" but class.WpdiscuzCore.php line 280 has the initial state for this. Subsequent states are set by wpdiscuz.js, so that operates normally. [Standard DISCLAIMER: Shouldn't mess with files. Updates will break this. Etc. Etc.]