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Logout with JS - Wpdiscuz

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Hi Admin, I have a question that wants help.
I am using Wpdiscuz and allow users to login from social networks. By default, logout will easily see the logout link. For security, I created a button and processed it using Javascript. However, I cannot get the logout link. That's the problem.
I processed in /wpdiscuz/assets/js/wpdiscuz.js and added:
// ============================== LOGOUT FUNCTION ================ == //
$ (document) .delegate ('. wpdiscuz-log', 'click', function () {
     if (isUserLoggedIn){
     location.href = "<? php echo wp_loginout (get_permalink (), false)?>";
Looking forward to the help. Thanks very much

This topic was modified 5 years ago by levanhieu

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Hi @levanhieu,

This is working partly. The PHP code added by you in js file doesn't work correctly.

To get it resolved, please follow the steps below:

1. Delete all your previous changes.

2. Add the following JS code in the plugin js files.

add_action('wp_ajax_wpdLogout', function () {
   $user = wp_get_current_user();
   if ($user->ID) {

Important: the changes will be lost after wpdiscuz update. You should keep somewhere locally the code.

2. PHP code should be added in the  active theme functions.php file:

$(document).delegate('.wpdiscuz-log', 'click', function () {
       if (isUserLoggedIn) {
               type: 'POST',
               url: wpdiscuzAjaxObj.url,
               data: {
                   action: 'wpdLogout'
           }).done(function () {

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Thank Admin very much. It worked as expected, Wpdiscuz is a great plugin. Admin is also great

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