I get the following log entry:
[01-Dec-2016 12:56:52 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Interface 'wpdFormAttr\FormConst\wpdFormConst' not found in E:\IIS_WebContent\Applications\blog\wp-content\plugins\wpdiscuz\forms\wpDiscuzForm.php on line 7
Any idea how I can fix this?
Please make sure your hosting service PHP version is 5.4 or higher.
PHP is 5.4.24
Hi Amir,
I could not find a solution yet.
Hello Tom,
i think i've ecountered the same issue on my website.
But i figure it out why i have it (without managing how to resolve it):
I have a custom payment process: The problem occurs when i go into the createPayment.php page to send the payment to paypal: in this page the first thing i do, due to the fact this is "out" of the worpdress envirorment, is to call
include_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."wp-load.php"), to have at my disposal, all the functions and method i need. But when i get into this page it immediately fires the fatal error
"wpdFormAttr\FormConst\wpdFormConst’ not found in /(my server path)/wp-content/plugins/wpdiscuz/forms/wpDiscuzForm.php on line 7".
it is visible only because debug is set to TRUE, otherwise it just show me a blank page.
May it helps? i truly need a solution 🙂