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16/12/2019 5:38 pm
the missing Cookie library JS error prevents the visual editors to work properly in Settings > Phrases > Follow, for instance.
While waiting for the fixed plugin version, I fixed by commenting these lines:
// wp_register_script('wpdiscuz-jquery-cookie', plugins_url(WPDISCUZ_DIR_NAME . '/assets/third-party/wpdcookiejs/customcookie.js'), array('jquery'), $this->version, true);
// wp_enqueue_script('wpdiscuz-jquery-cookie');
and added just below them, these lines:
// --- tmp fix for missing Cookie library ---
wp_register_script('wpdiscuz-cookie-js', plugins_url(WPDISCUZ_DIR_NAME . '/assets/third-party/wpdccjs/wpdcc.js'), array('jquery'), $this->version, $this->optionsSerialized->isLoadScriptsInFooter);
code taken from same libraries enqueued for frontend, hoping it's okay but it looks like so by now.
17/12/2019 1:49 pm
Hi @drlightman,
Thank you for sharing the code.
We know about the issue and this will be fixed in the next version update.