Hi footbik,
Please navigate to Dashboard > Forms > Phrases admin page, search "Topics and posts", then edit this phrase and translate it. Also please delete all caches before checking it.
For the core wpForo plugin support please always use wpForo Community. Here we mostly support wpForo addons issues.
Dashboard > Forms > this is in WPDISQUZ, in wpForo I can not find such a menu
What about SHARE?
Dashboard > Forms > this is in WPDISQUZ, in wpForo I can not find such a menu
Please see screenshot:
All phrases you can find and translate here.
What about SHARE?
All manipulations with sharing you can do in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > API's admin page. In this case, you need to uncheck or check Active Share Buttons.
Login with facebook super! Is it possible to do this with instagram and vkontakte?
I can not translate it through PHRASES:
When you login first time using Facebook Login button, we collect your account public_profile information shared by Facebook, based on your privacy settings. We also get your email address to automatically create a forum account for you. Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account and you'll receive a confirmation email.