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Can I have users upload a photo from their file system for their avatar?

3 Posts
2 Users
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Gordon Smith
Member Customer
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 4
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Currently, the Avatar user field can be set by either:

1) Wordpress avatar system

2) Specifying a url

Is there a way to allow users to just upload a file with a picture or symbol?

What is the Wordpress avatar system?    What do users put in the box (see attached).  My users won't know what that is.


- Gordon

Screenshot 2018 06 20 at 2.32.46 PM

Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 6283

Hi Gordon,

Please make sure the "Can upload avatar" option is enabled for the current Usergroup (Dashboard > Forums > Usergroups admin page). 

Can upload avatar

More info here:

Gordon Smith reacted
Gordon Smith
Member Customer
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 4
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What are the rules for the size and file types that can be uploaded for an Avatar?    

Also, I am trying to require or at least encourage users to upload some kind of picture.   Right now the default is Wordpress Avatar System.  None of my users have a Wordpress Avatar so no picture gets uploaded if they don't select anything.   Can I require users to upload a file or specify a URL, e.g., by eliminating Wordpress Avatar System as an option?


- Gordon



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