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Add new shortcode options for use in Phrases>Email

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I believe there are 2 shortcodes missing when configuring the emails in Phrases>Email.

For "Subscription type: All my comments", there is a shortcode to include the name of the email recipient - [SUBSCRIBER_NAME] - but there does not appear to be a way to include the display name of the user that made the comment.  There's no [COMMENT_AUTHOR] option.

For "Subscription type: Single comment" the same issue exists.  The person being emailed can be addressed by using the [COMMENT_AUTHOR] shortcode, but there does not seem to be an option for including the display name of the user that wrote the reply.

My users have asked for this to be added.  When they receive the notification email, they want to know what the new comment was, but they also want to know who the user was that wrote the comment.

Thank you!

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@LoadsofBacon Thank you so much for this post! All this time I was wondering why the [COMMENT_AUTHOR] shortcode wasn't displaying the correct name. I just assumed the comment author (the user who actually wrote the comment) was designated the same in this plugin as any other wordpress plugin. I would really like to see this added to this plugin!

Illustrious Member Admin
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Hi @seanmac,

All this time I was wondering why the [COMMENT_AUTHOR] shortcode wasn't displaying the correct name. I just assumed the comment author (the user who actually wrote the comment) was designated the same in this plugin as any other wordpress plugin. I would really like to see this added to this plugin!

For this subscription type [SUBSCRIBER NAME] shortcode value is only in case if the user is logged in and has a display name. Otherwise, [SUBSCRIBER NAME] value will be empty.

subscription types

For Single comment subscription type:
1. the value of [COMMENT_AUTHOR] is the
the name that the user fills in the "Name" textarea (for none registered user),
2. the value of [COMMENT_AUTHOR] is Anonymous if the user doesn't fill name (the name field is not required),
3. for registered users the value of [COMMENT_AUTHOR] shortcode is the display name of the current user.

Single comment subscription

More info for wpDiscuz subscriptions here:

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Posts: 2

@Astghik - Thank for the quick reply! Yes, I understand everything you explained. I was expecting the output of the [COMMENT_AUTHOR] shortcode to be the name of the user who wrote the comment. Like @LoadsofBacon stated earlier, my users have asked for the option as well to be able to see in the email the name of the user who left the comment. For instance, if Mike (the comment author) replies to a comment by Alice, the expectation is that the email notification can state:

"Alice, you have a new reply on post [POST_TITLE]. Mike responded to your comment: [COMMENT_CONTENT]."

Anyway, thanks for a great plugin and customer support! 

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