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Sync plugin settings permissions with wpForo

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On my website (it's a community website), my forum admins are not "WordPress admins". Therefore they do not have the "manage_options" capacity.

How can I let them manage the plugin options when they have the wpforo "Dashboard - Manage Settings" permission?

If it is not possible to automatically sync it with wpforo permission system, could you add a new wp capacity for accessing the plugin settings so I could at least do it manually?


Illustrious Member Admin
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@astghik Hi. Sorry, I fail to see how this is relevant to my question?

As far as I can tell, the "Forum Censure" plugin does not use wpForo permission system, that's my issue and why I'm here.

When I'm logged in as a forum admin with full access, I can't access the Forum Censure settings because it seems to require the "manage options" capacity from wp core.

Illustrious Member Admin
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Thank you for clarification @mathias-latournerie,

Please wait a bit. I'll update this topic once I find some workaround for you. 

Illustrious Member Admin
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We're really sorry, but there is no workaround in this case.

Please note the Forums Censure PRO is not designed only for the wpForo plugin. It's a supports bbPress as well. 

As you can see the menu item is not located under the wpForo section, it's located in the default WordPress settings section.

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