On my website (it's a community website), my forum admins are not "WordPress admins". Therefore they do not have the "manage_options" capacity.
How can I let them manage the plugin options when they have the wpforo "Dashboard - Manage Settings" permission?
If it is not possible to automatically sync it with wpforo permission system, could you add a new wp capacity for accessing the plugin settings so I could at least do it manually?
Please attentively read this FAQ: https://wpforo.com/community/faq/wordpress-user-roles-wpforo-usergroups-and-forum-accesses/
@astghik Hi. Sorry, I fail to see how this is relevant to my question?
As far as I can tell, the "Forum Censure" plugin does not use wpForo permission system, that's my issue and why I'm here.
When I'm logged in as a forum admin with full access, I can't access the Forum Censure settings because it seems to require the "manage options" capacity from wp core.
Thank you for clarification @mathias-latournerie,
Please wait a bit. I'll update this topic once I find some workaround for you.
We're really sorry, but there is no workaround in this case.
Please note the Forums Censure PRO is not designed only for the wpForo plugin. It's a supports bbPress as well.
As you can see the menu item is not located under the wpForo section, it's located in the default WordPress settings section.