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Extra blank lines in Advanced Pagination plugin

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I seem to get about 10 blank lines inserted on my pages before the [nextpage] shortcode whenever I use it on my site.  See this sample article:

I don't know where the extra <br>'s are coming from.

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Hi jeff1,

Make sure after and before the [nextpage] shortcodes you don't have line breaks.

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I don't seem to. This is the raw text of the content, but there are 10 <br>'s inserted between the title and the text. But if I remove the shortcode there are no <br>'s inserted:

What constitutes a food you should steer clear of? Well, ask the experts and they’ll tell you it’s pretty much any food or ingredient that does you and your body more harm than good. And here’s the bad news – the list tends to be populated exclusively with stuff that tastes great! That’s right – chances are if it tastes too good to be healthy, chances are it’s anything but!
Bit of a bummer, isn’t it?
So as far as the pros are concerned, here’s a rundown of ten foods you could probably do with crossing off your shopping list for life…painful as it may be to do so:
Find yourself a person that doesn’t love the taste of frosting and you’ve found yourself a liar…frosting is awesome! Sadly, it also happens to be one of the only remaining foods you’ll find on store shelves today that are loaded with trans fats. And as we all know by now, trans fat wipes out good cholesterol, packs a heavy dose of dangerous cholesterol and is known to trigger inflammation. Combine this with the belly fat and wrinkles associated with high-sugar diets and you have yourself a few good reasons to forget the frosting for good.

<img src="" alt="" width="774" height="515" />


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