wpseo's Metattag-function for multiple pages doesn't function WITHOUT <!--nextpage-->; f.i.
<!--nextpagetitle: Potenzial für Privatbehandlung -->
<!--nextpagedesc: Das Potenzial für Privatbehandlung in einer Durchschnittspraxis (1.200 Patienten) -->
<!--nextpagekeys: Privatbehandlung,Durchschnittspraxis -->
When I integrate Advanced Content Pagination, the important function of wpseo (differen Metas per subpage) does.'t function; what is here to do?
[nextpage title="Das Potenzial für Privatbehandlung in einer Durchschnittspraxis (1.200 Patienten)"]
<!--nextpagetitle: Potenzial für Privatbehandlung -->
<!--nextpagedesc: Das Potenzial für Privatbehandlung in einer Durchschnittspraxis (1.200 Patienten) -->
<!--nextpagekeys: Privatbehandlung,Durchschnittspraxis -->
Hi Ralf,
Thank you for letting us know about this issue, I think that's possible to fix this APP/wpSEO shortcode conflict. We're currently checking this...
That would be great!!
Please let me know, when you have published a fix.
Thanks! Ralf
Hi Ralf,
We can't find any problem with wpSEO, it seems something specific on your end, we need admin access to your Dashboard to be able find and fix this issue. Could you please send admin username/password to support@gvectors.com email address?
Perhaps because I don't have the PROVersion? I have just seen, that it is only the PRO Version, which can use the <!--nextpage--> ?
"| Pro | Automaticaly turns default <--nextpage-->
pagination to Advanced Buttons"
Hi Ralf,
This is a wpSEO/ACP conflict, yes the <--nextpage-->
will not be replaced to advanced pagination buttons without PRO version, but the free version should not stop wpSEO shortcode function. We need check this conflict directly on your website. It would be good if you could leave some URL..