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Advanced Reactions and User Mentioning interferes with WSForms loading the visual editor field in forms

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I run WPforo with several addons installed. I also run WSForms on my site to handle form collection and user front-end account management for their user settings and content management so having the Visual Editor (TinyMCE) running is crucial to my site's operation.

With User Mentioning and/or Advanced Reactions running, the virtual editor will not load at all and it doesn't show errors in the F12 console or even attempts to load the visual editor text area field. 

I've done extensive troubleshooting and couldn't not find any issues on my own.

I'm first asking, before the long analysis, is there any known issues with these two plugins that could cause issues with it causing a conflict with my forms?  I currently have these two add-ons disabled for now so my forms operate correctly as they handle my user's front-end access to their content for editing, and account management pending finding a solution to make everything happy. 


I ran the two plugins through ChatGPT for analysis and it found the following: (if this helps)

I'll analyze the wpForo User Mentioning addon first to check for conflicts with TinyMCE. Let me extract and scan the files now.

The wpForo User Mentioning addon contains JavaScript files, particularly:

  • assets/js/mention.js
  • assets/js/mention.min.js

I'll now scan these files for any interactions with TinyMCE or JavaScript functions that might interfere with it. ​

The wpForo User Mentioning addon has a TinyMCE-related class inside mention.js.

Potential Issues:

  1. class TinyMCE extends Editor {
    • This suggests it's extending a custom editor class and might be overriding or interfering with TinyMCE’s behavior.
  2. Direct Interaction with TinyMCE Events
    • this.editor.on('keydown', ( e ) => {
    • this.editor.on('blur', this.PopUp.timeoutRemove);
    • This script is modifying TinyMCE’s behavior by attaching event listeners, which could be breaking WS Form’s TinyMCE instance.


The wpForo Advanced Reactions addon contains JavaScript and PHP files. The relevant JavaScript files are likely inside:

  • classes/Front.php (front-end functionality)
  • assets/js/ (potential TinyMCE conflicts)

Summary of Findings:

  • User Mentioning (mention.js) directly interacts with TinyMCE and could be modifying its behavior.
  • Advanced Reactions (reactions.js & backend.js) does not appear to reference TinyMCE at all.


Since both addons independently break WS Form’s TinyMCE editor, even though I didn’t find direct TinyMCE interactions in the Reactions addon, it’s likely one of the following:

  1. A script conflict – The Reactions addon might be enqueuing a JavaScript file that interferes with WordPress’s editor loading.
  2. A global JavaScript issue – Errors in reactions.js could break other scripts, including TinyMCE.
  3. A missing dependency or enqueue issue – The addon could be deregistering or overriding an important script required by TinyMCE.


Findings in wpForo Advanced Reactions:

The plugin does not directly interact with TinyMCE, but it loads custom scripts in both the frontend and admin area using:

  • wp_enqueue_script('wpforo-reactions-backend-js')
  • wp_enqueue_script('wpforo-rections') (note the possible typo in the script handle)
  • wp_localize_script() calls for AJAX handling.

Possible Causes of the Conflict:

  1. JavaScript Errors Preventing TinyMCE from Initializing

    • If wpforo-rections or wpforo-reactions-backend-js has an error, it could break all subsequent scripts, including TinyMCE.
  2. Overwriting WordPress Global JavaScript Variables

    • wp_localize_script() changes JavaScript object properties, which might interfere with TinyMCE.
  3. Script Load Order Issues

    • wpforo_frontend_enqueue_scripts might be loading scripts in a way that blocks TinyMCE.
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