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Is WPDiscuz stopping notification emails for replies to go out?

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Since installing WPDiscuz, my website commenters are not receiving notifications when someone replies to their comments. I checked the logs and can see that the emails are now only being sent out to the website admin instead of the comment author. This is a really big issue for my website and is frustrating the users. Can you please explain what's causing this? 

Famed Member Admin
Joined: 10 years ago
Posts: 4217

They should subscribe to get notifications. wpDiscuz has own comment subscription system. I don't know how they are subscribed before, but the other subscription bulgins data are not accessible for wpDiscuz. If you install wpDiscuz, commenters should subscribe again.

You can enable the "Notify of new replies to this comment" checked by default option in Dashboard > Comments > Settings > Subscriptions admin page to automatically subscribe commenters when they post a new comment.

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