Hi, GDPR compliance requires more than just cookies consent. In case of comments we must be able to allow user to visualize his comments and mark some or all for deletion. Before letting the visitor to leave a comment we need to inform him about GDPR things and ask for consent.
There is a plugin named WP GDPR that already does all of this (perhaps with aids of filters) but it is not working against wp discuzz. I would like to see it well integrated with WP Discuzz. If not possible and if WP Discuzz is not writing it own add on the we must remove it from use and find another solution. I hope you can solve this situation.
Thanks. I hope they will issue a new version soon taking advantage of your recent hook for GDPR
Maybe this is an alternative solution for you all without any plugin except wpDiscuz https://gvectors.com/forum/general-forums/gdpr-checkbox-easy-going-made/